Art is Healing

Circle 2

SKHKAC has produced a series of art works over the last decade for a range of clients as well as major components of several of our cultural healing programs, which also include commissioned pieces for government departments, local government and corporate organisations.

A further dimension is the art pieces that are an outcome of our Cultural Awareness Training (CAT) programs where to date, will sit with pride on these agencies office walls.


This Artwork can be viewed at Queens Park Reserve, Treasure Road – Queens Park

Queens Park Reserve Sister Kates Artwork
Kalla Wirin Gnaark Boodjar; Fire Spirit Mother Country
Circle 1


The artworks hangs in the City of Canning office, Cannington.

City of Canning Maali on the Djalgarra
Maali (Black Swan) on Djarlgarra Beeliar (Canning River)
Composition Artwork

The above photos reflect the extended life of the artwork by transferring certain sections of the piece onto doors and windows which are displayed in the City of Canning Shire offices.


The artworks hangs in the City of Canning office, Cannington.

Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar; In a Changing Landscape

The artwork hangs on the wall of the School of Indigenous Studies, University of Western Australia.

Healing Colour of Country; Trauma Recovery through Culture, Art & Wildflowers
Circle 1


The artwork hangs in the National Healing Foundation, Canberra.

Women’s Business in Wildflower Country


The artwork hangs in the Sister Kate’s Home Kids Aboriginal Corporation office, Carlisle.

WA Dis
Songlines; Connecting People and Communities across Country
Circle 1


The artwork hangs in the City of Armadale Library, Seville Grove.

City of Armadale
Connecting Communities across Country

The artwork hangs in the Department of Social Services, Perth.

DSS Kids program
Children Connected to their World