
Circle 2

SKHKAC has been delivering a series of cultural healing, empowerment and leadership programs to Sister Kate’s Homee families since 2011, which have been positive in both participation and outcomes.  A unique success factor has been that the SKHKAC   have designed the program for both their personal and their family’s specific needs, addressing the generational and intergenerational trauma they have previously and are still experiencing, as well as to work together to provide a series of pathways that result in their own and their family’s trauma recovery.

As a Stolen Generations organisation providing services to its clients we aim to engage with members at the community grassroots level by delivering culturally-based healing and empowerment initiatives.  These initiatives are client focused to reconnect to culture and country, nurture cultural identity and pride, reconnect with family as well as the Sister Kate’s Home Kids family (Sister Kate’s Home Kids alliance), and to address the issues impacting on the cultural, social and emotional wellbeing of families.

Our program delivery model is a stepped approach to providing a cultural model of care delivering low intensity, early intervention programs addressing cultural, social and emotional wellbeing which is recognised within the Closing The Gap framework, the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013-2023, the Indigenous Australia’s Health Program (IAHP), the Primary Health Networks (PHNS) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOS), as being the foundation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander physical and mental health.